Ankle breakers and pull-up precision is a deadly combo for shooting. The second one is whether limitless range or ankle breakers. But there's no reason to fade anymore in next gen.

Unless you are a type of fading demon, then go with pull-up precision. There's no doubt that the best shooting takeover for your primary is spot-up precision. As soon as you have all the badges on your player, you unlock on a mentality badge, which allows you to change your takeovers on next gen. Unlike current gen, there are many shooting takeovers in next gen. NBA 2K21 Next-Gen & Current-Gen Best Takeovers For Shooting All you need for the best shooting badges in NBA 2K21 current gen and next gen as follow:īlinders(HOF), Deadeye(HOF), Hot Shot(HOF), Blinders(HOF), Deep Threes(HOF), Hot Zone Hunter(HOF), Stop&Pop(Gold), Rhythm Shooter(Bronze), Corner Specialist(Bronze), Green Machine(Bronze), Set Shooter(Bronze) There are a lot of slept on badges this year like Rhythm Shooter and Set Shooter. Green Machine is not good enough, so run it on bronze. Stop & Pop is also a good shooting badge on gold. Among those overpowered shooting badges, Deadeye is the weakest. Hot Zone Hunter, Hot Shot, Deadeye, Deep Threes, Blinders are necessities for the best 2k21 next gen and current gen jumpshots. NBA 2K21 Next-Gen & Current-Gen Best Shooting Badges
#Best nba 2k21 jumpshot pro
Both pro stick orientation and off-ball offense mode on absolute that improves your dribbling. Finally, make sure you have your shot aiming off for current gen and next gen. Another tip is to turn on the shot meter if you are a beginner, but as soon as you know the timing of your jump shot, then turn off your shot meter and it gives a boost to the number of shots that go in. NBA 2K21 Next-Gen & Current-Gen Best Shooting Tipsįor shooting tips in NBA 2K21 current gen and next gen is that for your controller setting, make sure you have vibration on which help your muscle memory. This jumpshot is not the best in NBA 2K21, but still, the jumpshots give the highest green window.Īnimation Blending: 60% Release 113/40% Release 114
#Best nba 2k21 jumpshot full
This overpowered 2K21 current gen jumpshot was founded in 2K Tik Tok, you can try full release speed if you want to go faster. Go with 75% release speed.Īnimation Blending: 70% Rudy Gay/30% Kobe Bryant The jump shots on current gen are so fast, so it’s hard to time. This jumpshot is the best jumpshot in NBA 2K21 current gen for lockdown and stretch, created by Youtuber Solo DF. The most important thing is when it comes to the best and fastest NBA 2K21 jumpshots next gen, jump shot 98 and Dwyane Wade is two bases work on any build.Īnimation Blending: 70% Rudy Gay/30% Kobe Bryant For the shooting center, Dante Exum base and Stephen Curry are really good. For spot up, jumpshot 98 is still the best for you. The release doesn’t really matter in next gen, release Kobe Bryant and Rudy Gay that help you see the jump shot cue the best. As for guards, you can try other solid and top bases like Dwayne Wade, Stefan Curry and Ray Allen. On current gen your release speed is usually one tick down for max, but on next gen go 100% release speed. This is the best NBA 2K21 next gen jumpshot. Let's check out the best jumpshot in NBA 2K12 next gen and current gen that helps you become a knockdown shooter everywhere you go. For shooting in NBA 2K21 current gen and next gen is that shooting tips, badges and takeovers play an important part. Then, we listed two versions of the best current gen jumpshots for lockdown and stretch.
#Best nba 2k21 jumpshot windows
The first insane next gen NBA 2K21 jumpshot has one of the biggest green windows for every build. Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, these jumpshots and shooting tips will beneficial for you. NBA 2K21 Best Jumpshot For Next-Gen & Current-Gen - 100% Highest Green Window Jumpshots And Best Shooting Tips In NBA 2K21 This guide gives you not only the best NBA 2K21 next gen & curren gen jumpshot, but also the best settings, tips, badges and takeovers for shooting. These game-breaking 2k21 jumpshots will give you an advantage over all your opponents. Jumpshot has always been a hot topic that people are most concerned about both in NBA current gen and next gen.